Substitute: ***Please let ALL classes know that there will be a TEST on the Classroom Rules on Monday, September 29th - It will be multiple choice, true/false, and "fill in the blank."***
Periods 2, 3, 5 & 6: Students are to read pages 54-57. They also need to read #15 on Page 68, and the entire page 74. When they are done they can do work from other classes. The information from p. 68 and 74 will be on Monday's RULES TEST.
Periods 2 & 3: Able to take a make-up quiz today to substitute for a 1.1 vocab quiz, grammar quiz or both. All students were expected to complete the assignment without asking any clarifying questions.
Period 5 & 6: Video 1.2, PowerPoint on A1 1.2, Wrote about 3 friends in English.
Tomorrow students will have an opportunity to retake vocabulary quiz 1.1 and grammar quiz 1.1. Format will be different than last quiz. Students will receive the higher of the grades.
Tomorrow is our 1.1 test! no formal homework, but finish Quia if you haven't done it. if you want help studying go to and do the @hometutor for 1.1
Periods 2, 3, 5 and 6: Spanish 1 Vocabulary Quiz is tomorrow. Be able to write out all vocabulary words for vocab. quiz. Students do Apuntes p. 7, p. 11, and p. 12. - Do not collect this work.
Study for tomorrow's quiz on numbers 0-10, the weather and the days of the week.
Study for Thursday's Test on Greetings, Saying Goodbye, Making Introductions, Days of the Week, Phone Numbers, Describing the Weather and Saying Where You Are From.
In class Tuesday, 9/2/14:
Anuncios - Back to School Night is Monday, Sept. 8th
QUIZ Wednesday, September 3rd: Numbers, Days of Week and Weather
TEST Thursday, September 4th: Everything in your Apuntes. On whole Lección Preliminar.
jueves, 28 de agosto:
HOMEWORK: 20 Minutes of Quizlet - LOG IN & do the Learn and Speller or the Games
In English: 4 days of the week are named after Viking (Norse) gods. Tuesday is named after Tyr, the god of war, Wednesday is named after Woden, Thursday is named after Thor, and Friday is named after Frigga, the goddess of marriage (and Woden's wife). (from
(Los días de la semana) Days of the week – snap, snap Days of the week – snap, snap Days of the week, Days of the week, Days of the week – snap, snap There's lunes and there's martes, miércoles y jueves, viernes, sábado, and then domingo.
Due TOMORROW, 8/28/14 - Syllabus SIGNED by Parent/Guardian and returned in class for points. After that you still have to get it signed no matter what, but no points. Extenuating circumstances? Parent note or email.
Substitute: Please tell students that their quiz will not be tomorrow. Now it is on Thursday. Students need to write their vocabulary words 3x in Spanish and one time in English. Please collect all work.
Homework: Study for Quiz Wednesday, 8-20-14:
Greetings, intros, What's your name?, Where are you
Write/draw (or generate) a six line comic of two students greeting each other in Spanish. They will address each other as “tú.” (Not Ud.) Stick figures are okay but make it neat.